Arizona Gold, Silver, and Metals Mine for Sale
- Situated in La Paz County, Arizona, near Vicksburg.
Property Details:
- Includes 3 patented mining claims: 1 placer and 2 lode claims.
- Spans a total of 50 acres.
- Features 2 water wells on-site.
- Contains existing mining infrastructure, including shafts, adits, and open cuts.
Mining History:
- Operated until 1950, offering a rich mining legacy.
- Existing ore piles totaling 30,000 tons with an estimated value exceeding $38 million.
Reserves and Valuation:
- Proven leach-grade reserves: 700,000 tons of metals valued at over $124 million.
- Unproven reserves: 3 million tons of metals estimated at $532 million.
Additional Information:
- This is an estate sale.
- Asking price: $2.5 million.